Friday, May 22, 2020

Prueba de ADN para la tarjeta de residencia permanente

Durante los trà ¡mites para obtener la tarjeta de residencia por peticià ³n de un familiar es posible que se exija  una prueba de ADN para probar que efectivamente existe un và ­nculo de sangre entre la persona que pide los papeles y el potencial migrante para el que se solicitan. Tanto los ciudadanos americanos como los residentes permanentes legales pueden solicitar tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida por green card, para diferentes familiares pero el gobierno quiere estar seguro de que esa relacià ³n es verdadera. Por ello es importante conocer por quà © se puede pedir un test de ADN, si es necesario o voluntario o, en este à ºltimo caso, si es recomendable tomarlo y, finalmente, cà ³mo es la tramitacià ³n de todo el proceso.  ¿Por quà © se puede pedir una prueba de ADN en las peticiones de familia? Las pruebas de ADN sirven para probar genà ©ticamente la relacià ³n biolà ³gica entre dos personas en la tramitacià ³n de las visas de familia.   Por ejemplo, que entre solicitante y pedido hay efectivamente una relacià ³n de padre e hijo, madre e hijo, hermanos o hermanastros, etc. Para probar esta relacià ³n es siempre necesario contar con ejemplos biolà ³gicos de las dos personas cuya relacià ³n familiar se trata de establecer. Generalmente basta con pasar un bastoncillo por el interior de la boca.  ¿Es obligatoria la prueba de ADN en todas las peticiones por familia biolà ³gica? No, y de hecho son la excepcià ³n. Generalmente se prueba la relacià ³n entre solicitante y pedido mà ¡s allà ¡ de toda duda, mediante documentos, como por ejemplo, el certificado o acta de nacimiento. Como son pruebas caras y que lleva tiempo practicarlas sà ³lo se solicitan estas pruebas cuando no existen otros medios para demostrar la relacià ³n entre dos personas, como pueden ser documentos o fotografà ­as, o por la razà ³n que sea se sospecha de que el và ­nculo biolà ³gico puede no ser real.   Es tambià ©n mà ¡s comà ºn que este tipo de prueba se solicite cuando la tarjeta de residencia se tramita mediante un procedimiento consular que cuando se gestiona todo el proceso dentro de los Estados Unidos mediante un ajuste de estatus. Lo cierto es que es mà ¡s importante prestar atencià ³n a otros posibles problemas que pueden surgir en el proceso, como asegurarse de que se cumplen con los requisitos econà ³micos para patrocinar, que se va a pasar el examen mà ©dico al que sà ­ deben de someterse todos los candidatos a migrantes y, finalmente, que no afecta ninguna de las circunstancias que provocan que la tarjeta de residencia sea denegada.   Trà ¡mites para la prueba de ADN para la green card cuando se pide Cuando el oficial consular o cualquier funcionario migratorio  solicita una prueba de ADN, el beneficiario de la tarjeta de residencia, si à ©sta se llega a conceder, decide voluntariamente si se somete o no a la prueba. De realizarla, debe cancelar el costo à ©l mismo o el solicitante de la tarjeta (su padre, madre, hijo, hija, hermano o hermanastro) el importe por la prueba, que deberà ¡ ser abonada al laboratorio antes de realizarse. Solamente pueden realizarse las pruebas de ADN en uno de los laboratorios acreditados por la Asociacià ³n americana de bancos de sangre (AABB, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Es importantà ­simo verificar que el laboratorio que va a hacer el anà ¡lisis està ¡ incluido en esa lista. Si no lo està ¡, la Embajada o el consulado americano no admitirà ¡n las pruebas y se habrà ¡ gastado el dinero en vano. Ademà ¡s, hay que tener en cuenta que hay mucho fraude en este rubro y muchos laboratorios aseguran estar autorizados para realizar estas pruebas para las oficinas consulares americanas y no lo està ¡n. Asà ­ que es muy recomendable tomar el tiempo necesario para checar la lista y una vez que se tenga buscar el laboratorio mà ¡s conveniente por su localizacià ³n. El laboratorio enviarà ¡ el kit directamente a la oficina consular. Jamà ¡s al solicitante o al beneficiario de la peticià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia. La prueba se harà ¡ en la propia oficina consular previo pago del arancel correspondiente por los servicios del mà ©dico que harà ¡ que tomarà ¡ la muestra. El dà ­a de la cita para este asunto, el beneficiario de la peticià ³n de la visa de inmigrante debe presentarse a la hora fijada con su pasaporte, una foto y el recibo de haber pagado por los servicios mà ©dicos. Una vez que se ha tomado la prueba de ADN, el propio consulado enviarà ¡ el kit directamente al laboratorio en los Estados Unidos. Y cuando à ©ste obtenga los resultados, se notificarà ¡n directamente a la oficina consular. Y una vez que los tenga decidirà ¡ cancelar el proceso de tramitacià ³n del permiso de residencia o seguir con el mismo. El beneficiario, si asà ­ lo desea, puede solicitar directamente al laboratorio una copia de los resultados. La oficina consular americana nunca otorgarà ¡ tal copia. A tener en cuenta para tener à ©xito en la peticià ³n de la green card por familia Que la prueba de ADN demuestre que es verdad que el solicitante y el beneficiario son familiares no significa que la peticià ³n de la residencia permanente vaya a ser aprobada. Simplemente quiere decir  que ese requisito ha sido satisfecho. Las peticiones de tarjetas de residencia pueden ser rechazadas por diversas causas. En la mayorà ­a de los casos, si eso sucede asà ­, serà ¡ posible pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como  waiver o permiso. Que puede ser o no concedido. Es muy importante en estos casos contar con el asesoramiento de un abogado migratorio con excelente reputacià ³n y con experiencia en este tipo de casos. Tambià ©n es importante, antes de iniciar los trà ¡mites, tener una idea aproximada de cuà ¡nto van a tardar los papeles, ya que en muchos casos la demora es mucho mà ¡s grande de lo que se cree. Finalmente, se recomienda tomar este quiz - trivia  o test- para verificar que se tiene los conocimientos bà ¡sicos para obtener y conservar la tarjeta de residencia. Es difà ­cil conseguirla. No es conveniente arriesgarse a una denegacià ³n o una cancelacià ³n por falta de informacià ³n. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Treatment Of Women Within The Criminal Justice System

There have been many changes in the treatment of offenders by the Criminal Justice System in England and Wales, particularly the treatment of female offenders. The handling of women within the criminal justice system has been closely tied to their social characteristics, and to what might be described as their ‘social construction’. On the other hand, women who compromise more than half of the world’s population, account for only 15% of criminal activity and as a consequence, relatively little attention has been given to them. This essay will explore how this has changed from a historical point of view to modern times, with exploration from cross-culture comparisons and an overview of the treatments of females in prisons. The legal definition of crime is â€Å"an act of violation of a criminal law for which a punishment is prescribed; the person committing it must have intended to do so and must have done so without legally acceptable defence or justification† (Walsh Hemmens 2008:2). Alternatively, deviance is any social behaviour which departs from that regarded as ‘normal’ or socially acceptable within a society or social context (Jary Jary 1991:160). The underlining focus of my essay is The Criminal Justice System in England and Wales which is a key public service consisting of various bodies and individuals including: the Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Her Majesty’s Court Service, National Offender Management Services (Probation and Prisons) and Youth Justice Board.Show MoreRelatedChallenges Faced By Female And Aboriginal Offenders Essay1420 Words   |  6 Pagesthe overrepresentation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system also poses several concerns. Female offenders on the other hand have a higher risk of having administrative, and mental health issues. This paper will address both factions and their individual problems and the reform that is needed within the criminal justice system. 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This concept aims to create a neutral criminological theory that does not have anyRead MoreInjustice Is An Unfair Treatment1212 Words   |  5 Pagesdoesn’t speak up about unfair treatment, they are allowing injustice to infect everyone. The Webster dictionary definition states, â€Å"Injustice is an unfair treatment or situation in which the rights of a person or a group of people are ignored (Merriam-Webster).† There are various examples of injustice in the Criminal Justice System, the occupation field, and the education system that negatively impact the citizens in America. To begin with, the Criminal Justice System is meant to protect citizensRead MoreResearch Outline, Annotated Bibliography, and Sample Survey: Women in Prisons1365 Words   |  5 PagesResearch Question and Justification On average, women make up about 7 percent of the total federal and state incarcerated population in the United States. This has increased since the 1980s due to stricter and more severe laws that focus on recreational drug use, a lack of community programs, and fewer treatment centers available for outpatients (Zaitow and Thomas, eds., 2003). According to the National Womens Law Centers, women prisoners report a higher than statistically normal history of domesticRead MoreMental Health, Gender And Drug Addiction1236 Words   |  5 PagesDiscussion Within the analysis of the dissertation, it has been recognised that there were three key themes associated with my findings: mental health, gender and drug addiction. We will dis-cuss the three documents chosen and highlight the themes which occurred. Though gender didn’t appear as much in two of the documents, it has relevance to the dissertation and was titled within the MoJ document, which recorded a high degree of statistics relating to gender. Following on from the three themedRead MoreThe Importance Of Clinical Psychology Within The Correctional Setting1285 Words   |  6 Pagesin the future. However, women experience many barriers after being released, such as being treated as outcasts, an inability to find employment, being judged for their criminal behavior, and experiencing shame (Dodge Pogrebin, 2001). This shame is exacerbated for women because of the social definitions of what it means to be a woman, mother, and citizen. The stigma these women experience ca n potentially lead to further criminal acts. In addition, inadequate treatment has implications not justRead MoreMinorities and Women in Criminal Justice1064 Words   |  5 Pagesminorities and women in the criminal justice system . Sexism still exists in the United States. Sexism against women is shown in the media and indicates that sexism still pervades in our society. Another key issue is the overrepresentation and disparities among minorities in the criminal justice system. After the act of September 11, racial profiling and other acts of racial hate crimes suggests that racism occurs. Another key issue that indicates that racial disparities occur in the criminal justice systemRead MoreEssay on The Effects of Gender on Prisoner Interactions 1464 Words   |  6 PagesCourt decided that forfeiting liberties and personal rights were consequences of the crime committed. Prisoners were viewed as slaves. In addition, losing citizenship rights meant losing the ability to complain about living conditions (Peak, 2010). Women and men were subjected to horrible prison conditions in which the living conditions were fifthly, overcrowded and harsh. Often times they were beaten and sexual abused by male guards (Stuart von Wormer Bartollas, 2011). It was not until the 1960’s

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Importance of Personality Development and Influencing Factors Free Essays

An individual’s ‘personality’ is their unique and relatively stable patterns of behaviour, thoughts and feelings. The key word is ‘relatively’. It implies that there is scope for change, that one’s personality is not necessarily constant. We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Personality Development and Influencing Factors or any similar topic only for you Order Now The influence of various aspects of our environment may affect our inherent behavioural traits, and can modify our personality. Personality development, therefore, is to allow new ideas to influence our personality, and to allow introspection to bring to the forefront latent qualities, effecting a change for the better. There are four aspects to an individual’s personality: body, mind, heart and soul. Several factors contribute to one’s personality, to the development of one’s personality. These are all integral to the above mentioned aspects. The recognition, and consequently, the maintenance and progress of these factors – whether physiological or psychological, whether internal or external – is essential for ‘personality development’. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmities. Fitness is a measure of the body’s ability to complete activities necessary for everyday life effectively and efficiently. The basic difference between the two is that health is a definite requisite for one’s life, while fitness is only a measure. Both terms are relative, but health is more of a necessity than fitness, especially for developing one’s personality. An important aspect of our personality is our intelligence. It is important to note that intelligence is not restricted just to the scholarly; it encompasses the various sides to one’s personality – linguistic, logical, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist, and spiritual, to name a few. And improvement is required in all these spheres for an overall development of one’s personality. Our ‘social skills’ or interpersonal relationships, our ability to establish, nurture and fulfill relationships with others around us – family or friends, plays a pivotal role in our lives. This ability, too, needs to be developed. Our Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) – the ability to perceive, use, understand and manage emotions within ourselves and in others, is very important. Emotions are our responses to events around us, and are created by the combination of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. What is most important is that we create our own emotions. Our responses are shaped by our thoughts – by what we tell ourselves. As we clarify our understanding of our own beliefs and patterns, we learn that we are actually choosing our own lives. Feelings are the internal expression of the emotion and can be differentiated from body sensations and states: â€Å"feeling depressed. † The emotion ‘behind’ the feeling of depression: sadness or anger. Emotion, therefore, includes the situation, the interpretation or perception of the situation and the response or feeling related to the perception of the situation. Our speaking and listening skills are another important element. Speaking, or conveying our thoughts and emotions, and listening, or paying enough attention to what someone else has to say, both are essential for developing and maintaining relationships. Communication is a two-way process, and we need to be able to eloquently and adequately put across our thoughts to others, as well as be able to listen (hear, understand and judge) to the ideas of others. We express ourselves non-verbally too – through our postures and body language. This is also an important tool for communication. Our body language not only gives away our emotions sometimes, it also allows people to guess whether we are confident when we are speaking, whether we are actually listening to the other person, and so on. Our relationship skills are also influenced by our prejudices – opinions or judgements, frequently unfavourable, based on irrelevant considerations, inadequate knowledge or inaccurate stereotyping, and the consequent discriminations we make. People have prejudices for diverse reasons and these biases affect many spheres of their lives; they are negative manifestations of integrative power: instead of bringing or holding people together, they push them apart. Ironically, even prejudice and discrimination imply some sort of relationship, however. If there is no relationship people would be completely unaware of another person’s or group’s existence. The act of discrimination is an unjust practice or behaviour, whether intentional or not, towards a category of persons. These categories range from sex, ethnicity, nationality, religion, language, to class, and more recently, age and physical disabilities. Prejudices and discriminations are deeply imbedded at both the individual and societal levels, and will eventually result in the dissolving of society. The next important aspect that needs to be attended to is our academic and career requirements. We should adopt some basic â€Å"study skills† to successfully remember what we learn from an adequate period of time. The following is an example: P – Preview: get the overall picture of what is to be studied before doing it in any detail. Q – Question: ask questions while reading or studying; answering them will help to make sense of the material and to remember it more easily because the process will make an impression. R – Read and Review: read actively; to be able to answer questions you have asked yourself or questions the instructor has asked. A review is a survey of what you have covered, of what you are supposed to accomplish. S – Self Evaluation: testing yourself to see how much you have accomplished. T – Time Management: Time is the most valuable resource a student has. A good schedule keeps you from wandering off course. A good schedule, if properly managed, assigns time where time is needed. Certain methods and strategies can be adopted for more effective studying and more adequate preparation for examinations: making schedules first and sticking to them; reading and getting the main idea, extracting the important details and taking (or making) notes, reviewing and revising the actual substance, as well as the notes. After the more ‘material’ aspects comes, what some claim is, the ultimate intelligence. Spiritual intelligence is about the growth of a human being. It is about pondering over life’s purpose. Just being in touch with that question is fulfilling. About having a direction in life and being able to heal ourselves of all the resentment we carry. It is thinking of ourselves as an expression of a higher reality. Finally there is the realization that there is an immensity within us. As we move along the path, deeper levels within us get unfolded, leading to fulfillment. Ultimately, we discover freedom from our sense of limitation as human beings and attain ‘moksha’. Indeed, this is a highly idealized perception of spiritual intelligence or spirituality; most humans are essentially spiritual beings asking such fundamental questions as â€Å"Who am I? , â€Å"Where am I going? â€Å", â€Å"What do others mean to me? â€Å", but spiritual intelligence itself is extremely relative. It can, perhaps, more simply be defined as the realization of one’s purpose in life and the achievement of the same, the feeling of being in control, of being aware of oneself and one’s environment. Life’s purposes are varied for different individuals, and it requires inspiration to be able to recognize them, and moreover, to live by them. We need to: Listen to our inner voice. It takes practice to hear our true desires. The passion will come as a whisper or serendipitous event hat reminds us of what is important and what makes us happy. Dwell in possibilities. Our passions could lead us in a lot of different directions to find fulfillment. We have to explore our lives and unearth all the things that bring us joy. Decide what kind of person we want to be. Rather than concentrating on what we want to do, we should think in terms of what kind of person we want to be, and let that guide our choices. The ultimate attainment of fulfillment will come naturally, in time, with the gradual awakening of our spiritual senses, like the well-deserved rest at the end of the day. How to cite Importance of Personality Development and Influencing Factors, Papers